the power of play

What Sparks Interest in Children?

Chicago Children's Museum is the perfect place to watch interest spark in our littles. We design all of our spaces to encourage and facilitate interest in powerful, child-led ways.

We asked Liz Rosenberg, Lead Arts Educator at Chicago Children’s Museum, for some tips on how we can practice igniting our little ones’ sparks at home.

Play in the Time of Coronavirus: Part 4

At Chicago Children’s Museum we have a “secret sauce” of sorts that guides us in making decisions about our programs and exhibits. It is a concept called Universal Pursuits of Childhood, in which we identify the experiences that children across time, gender, and geography, need, want, and love to do.

Play in the Time of Coronavirus: Part 1

This is a time of back-to-basics, focusing on the essentials of our families’ well-being: food, shelter, health, and security.

More than ever, parents and caregivers are seeking ways to best care for and engage their children, within the new context of sheltering-in-place, no school, and no community activities.