
At Home Activity: Nature Prints

Running out of ways to play outside? Today’s activity gives you and your kiddos another reason to be outdoors—and has the added bonus of encouraging them to deeply inspect the grooves and veins of leaves, petals, and other parts of nature.

At Home Activity: Upcycled Bird Feeders

Is anyone else going through groceries like never before? Staying at home means more meals at home, and more meals at home means more empty containers.

That’s where today’s at-home activity comes in. It shows how you and your littles can take an empty milk carton, egg carton, or even a clean takeout container and create a bird feeder. From there, your little ones can be in charge of refilling the feeder and keeping track of which birds visit it.

At Home Activity: Window Garden

Does your little one have a tiny green thumb?

Today’s at home activity is the perfect way to find out.

You may not know this (many of us certainly didn’t), but remember those dried beans hiding in your cabinet or pantry? You can actually plant one of those beans and watch it sprout into a plant!

At Home Activity: DIY Constellations

During all this social distancing, our worlds have gotten much smaller—our morning coffee, dinner dates, family outings, staff meetings, workouts, and children’s educations all take place in the same spot: our homes.

And as much as our lives have changed, so have our children’s lives, especially if they’re school-aged.

But what if we told you that, in the height of the Coronavirus quarantine, you can make your world seem as big as outer space?