
How to Bring More Music Into Your Children's Lives

Chicago Children’s Museum is a huge believer in the power of music for little ones. If you're a parent or caregiver looking to bring more music into your child’s life, here’s a roundup of Chicago Children’s Museum approved activities, resources, and more.

At Home Activity: Puppet Parade

Let’s throw a parade in our honor. We deserve it, don’t we? The homeschooling, the working from home, the socially distant Zoom birthday parties, and constant hand washing—we are all something to celebrate.

Trouble is, who do we celebrate with?

Today’s at home activity is all about making your own crowd. Gather some puppets, stuffies, and toys— and throw yourselves a parade.

At Home Activity: Cereal Box Guitars

What do Raisin Bran and rock ‘n’ roll have in common?

Find out with today's at home activity, Cereal Box Guitars. Not only will your kid end up with a sweet new axe, they’ll learn the relationship between vibration and sound, and investigate what makes pitch.