For many of us, COVID-19 and the resulting statewide school closures make for some seriously uncharted waters: how do we keep our kids busy at home during all this social distancing, while not letting their schoolwork slide?
Even with the resources our schools are providing us during this unprecedented time (quick shout out to teachers—we love you!), this is a daunting task. We asked some of our friends and colleagues what they’re up to with their kids, and one thing kept popping up:
When all else fails, make a schedule, and try to stick to it—it will definitely help block out the day and keep things organized. There’s one that’s been circulating online, and here’s an example from Twania Brewster, Chicago Children’s Museum’s VP of Marketing and Operations:
But, as any parent or caregiver knows, sometimes schedules stink. And we agree. There’s nothing wrong with letting go a little bit—especially in the name of play.
Here are some of our favorite revised schedules:
Source: Bellingham WA Schools
Source: Bellingham WA Schools and Katie Culp
And if you’re looking for ways to add play to your schedule, look no further than our Recipes for Play at Home. They’re the perfect way to add some quality fun to your schedule—or the perfect addition when you want to tear the whole thing apart.
Is your family following a schedule? Let us know what you’re doing to keep busy!