It's Not a Vacation, It's a Strike

An adult and child work together on an art project using feathers, a wooden hoop, and various plastic parts.

Strikes are difficult for everyone, including families. You know it’s a strike, while chances are your kids have adapted a more vacation-like attitude. No matter how you see it and what you choose to do for childcare, the one thing a strike means is more quality time with your littles. So here are some tips to make it through until school starts back up. 

  • Keep the routine! As tempting as it may seem to extend that bedtime and sleep in, you will be paying for it when school resumes. I know you may not believe it but children thrive on schedules and consistency. In a time when there’s uncertainty, keeping a regular routine is one of the best things you can do. 

  • Let them play! No brainer right? But did you know there’s different kinds of play? Here’s two: free vs. guided. In free play your little chooses what they decide to do and you’re just a spectator... actually you're probably doing a billion other things to keep the house together. The other, guided, is where your kiddo still chooses the activity, but you’re there to insert some targeted information. Think LEGO building blocks. Instead of your child building solo, you’re there asking them to count the blocks they’ve used and engaging in open-ended questions. Either way, when our kiddos play, they are experiencing, testing, and understanding the world around them. They are working on communication, flexible thinking, and it’s proven that play can reduce stress, so maybe get in there too.  

  • Make every moment a teachable moment. What does that mean? It’s simple. Have your child help in the kitchen—that’s math and science. Have them help with folding and sorting laundry. That’s math, colors, and motor skills. 

  • We all live for the weekend, right? Keep weekends special. This will support the “it’s not a vacation” attitude. Think about it. If you went every day to a special lunch or activity, it may be difficult to get back in the swing of things when school starts. Chicago Children’s Museum is open every day AND it is a great place to learn and play. Just saying.