Skyline — Chicago Children's Museum

Spring Weeks of Play (3/24-4/6): Open daily with extended hours and special programs! Learn more.


Design and build a kid-sized skyscraper using wooden struts and real tools. Take the Skyscraper Challenge to record yourself at work and tell the story of what you did. Includes special activities for babies and toddlers.

Did you already visit Skyline? Click to get your photographs and hear your voices. Questions about retrieving your Skyline story? Contact us.

National Science Foundation logo

Skyline was made possible thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation.

How Adults Can Support Playful Learning in Skyline

  • Talk together about what you might build. Look around at other structures for inspiration.

  • Use the labels in the exhibit to learn authentic terms for some of the construction tools and materials. Use the language: Let’s find struts in the length we need. We’re going to need more nuts, bolts, and washers.

  • If the structure is wobbly, visit the “What Stops the Wobble?” component to learn an important tip. What shape can you add to make your structure more stable?

  • Let the child lead the design and build process. Follow in on their vision

Discover more opportunities for growth in development and how to support children’s learning through play at Chicago Children’s Museum. Explore the Supporting Learning Through Play Guide here!